Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Prime Minister Trudeau delivers a message on New Year's Eve

1.     Note 5 achievements or more of 2016 that were mentioned. List them in order of importance, and compare your list with a partner.

  1. More money in the pockets of the middle class family.
  2. More hard work Canadian can retire indegintity.
  3. Canada is the leader in a fight against the climate change.
  4. Trans-right as a human right and to fully protect the human identity.
  5. A judge from Newfoundland who is bilingual sets on the highest court.

2.     Create a table and compare and contrast what was said with what a leader in your home town might have said.
3.     Make a list of ten or more new vocabulary and expressions and put them in sentences of your own.

  1. Step up ( The united nations must step up in its fighting of the poverty and     hunger )
  2. Stand against ( we must stand against the terrorism to protect the human being )
  3. resolution ( my resolution the year to step up in my career and stand against any disappointing ).
  4. diverse and prosper ( Canada is the biggest country in its diverse and prosper )